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Join Us In Prayer

Kingdom Citizens praying for those in Authority

in the United States of America

1. If my people, who are called by my name, will

2. Humble themselves and pray...

3. Then will I hear from heaven. 2 Chronicles 7:14, NIV

There are three essential truths that we must have as Kingdom citizens as it relates to prayer:

First, we must learn that Almighty God has made us a kingdom of Priest. Our responsibility is to rule by Prayer. The Bible revels that this world is not really ruled by presidents and governors and dictators. They only seem to rule. The people who really rule are those who know how to pray! 

Second, to be effective, we must meet certain conditions for approaching God in prayer in a way that will bring answers.

Third, the power of the Holy Spirit works through our prayers only the extent as they are in line with the Word of God. This means to pray effectively we must know what the Bible says.

Let's look at a particular scripture verse as an example. This is what Paul wrote to Timothy: 1 Timothy 2:1-4 (NKJV)

Pray for All Men, and Women to! 

Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, For kings (presidents and governors and dictators) and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, Who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. (added Emphasis)


This is one of the most logical passages I know of in the Bible; all we have to do is pray it and nothing else. Just pray this prayer and  add nothing else to it,  as the Kingdom of Priest of Almighty God.


As kingdom citizens, we need to pray; the prayer listed below and says absolutely nothing else about the United States, its government, and those in office. Every time the thought of the United States, its government, or those in authority come to your mind, pray in line with 1Timothy 2:1-4. If you say anything contrary to God's Word, it will cancel out this prayer because Almighty God is only obligated to His Word; otherwise, the prayer becomes ineffective. We are given instructions on what to pray; as kingdom citizens, we are to follow instructions (commands); citizens do not have opinions or suggestions in a kingdom. I know this may be a little strong, but the world is in a mess, and we as kingdom citizens got to clean it up (the church, the Ekklesia, and we are the only ones that can do it!).


Again, the Bible reveals that presidents, governors, or dictators do not really rule this world. The only seen to rule. The people who really rule are those who know how to pray and pray. If the kingdom citizens of Heaven do not pray, then the citizen of the kingdom of darkness will have a free course to promote satan's plan, and Jesus gave us satan's job description in John 10:10b. (kill, steal, and destroy). Psalms 9:9, Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. The last time I checked, the opposite of a mess is to be blessed.


If you are willing to stand with us please email @ Clmministries.Int'

Pray this prayer! (Our responsibility is to rule by PRAYER)

Heavenly Father, in the Name of Jesus we give thanks for the United States and his government. We hold up in prayer before you, the men at women who are in positions of authority. We pray and intercede for the President, Vice President, the House representatives, the Senators, the governors, the mayors, the judges of our land, the policemen, and the policewomen as well as. All those who are in authority on every level over us in any way. We pray, and invited the Holy Spirit into our nation, and government, and may the Spirit of the Lord rests upon all those in authority.

Heavenly Father, we believe that skillful and godly wisdom has entered into the hearts of our President, Vice President, the House representatives, the Senators, the governors, the mayors, the judges of our land, the policemen, and the police, women, as well as. All those who are in authority on every level over us in any way, and knowledge is pleasant to them, angels are watching over them, and keep them and deliver them from the evil and from evil men and women.

Heavenly Father, we ask that you compass the President about with men and women who make their hearts and attentive to godly counsel and do that which is right in your sight. We believe you causes them to be men and women of integrity. Who are obedient concerning us, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all goodliness and honesty. We pray that the upright shall dwell in our government, that men and women of integrity, of godly character, are righteous in your sight.

Heavenly Father, we pray that these shall remain in these positions of authority, but the wicked shall be cut off from our government, and the treacherous shall be routed out of it.

Heavenly Father, In the name of Jesus. I/We decree and declare; Your blessing is upon the nation whose God is Lord? We receive your blessings.

Heavenly Father, I/We declare and decree You are our refuge, stronghold in times of trouble. I/We declare and decree with our mouths that we dwell in this land safely and prosper abundantly. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus.

Heavenly Father, I/We declare and decree, it is written in your Word that the heart of the king is in in the hand of the Lord, and that you turn it whichever way you desire. I/We believe that the hearts of our leaders are in your hand and that their decisions are divinely directed of the Lord.

Heavenly Father, I/We declare and decree, that the good news of the Gospel of the Kingdom is preached in our land and promoted throughout the world. The Word of the Lord prevails and grows mightily in the heart and lives of the people. We give thanks for this land and the leaders you have given us in the Name of Jesus.

Jesus is lord over the United States of America!


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Our vision is to establish Come and Learn of Me Ministries Kingdom diplomat center where citizens of the kingdom can come and learn of their benefits, privileges and responsibilities as citizens in the Kingdom of God.

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