Kingdom Laws of God
The natural realm is governed by laws and principles, so also is the realm of the spirit. The natural realm is governed, for example, by the law of gravity, the law of electricity, and the laws of aerodynamics. These laws control functions in the natural, physical realm. In the same way, there are laws which govern the realm of the spirit.
Romans 3:27 declares that there is a law of faith. This law of faith governs the use of power in the spirit world. Love is called the “royal law” in James 2:8. In Romans 8:2 we are introduced to the “law of the Spirit and Life in Christ Jesus” which supersedes the law of sin and death. These are just a few of the laws which govern the realm of the spirit. Just as failure to recognize and adhere to the natural laws God has designed will always prove to be physically disastrous, so failure to recognize and adhere to the spiritual laws which God has ordained will also prove to be spiritually disastrous.
Believers who expect to experience the blessing of the Christian life without meeting the conditions of the Christian life are ignorant of the Bible and operation of spiritual laws.
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